I have come to the realization that I have a few uncontrollable impulses when it comes to our homeschooling and overall learning experiences. One of those is to create additional educational opportunities from ordinary tasks. So my kids were not even phased when I took a simple activity (book reading) a step further in creating our own poems!

It all began with our five-year-old daughter, who LOVES the color pink. We are in a season right now where everything in her life has to have a whole lot of pink in it her: bedding, clothing, toothbrush, dinner plate, shoes, camera, soccer ball, soccer socks, and even her soccer cleats are all pink. It’s no surprise then that one of her favorite book series is about, “Pinkalicious” (girl who loves pink). We have checked out and read all the Pinkalicious books Victoria Kann available from two different libraries. Well, apparently, the Pinkalicious series embraces other colors as well, one of them is emerald cleverly named “Emeraldalicious”.

In Emaraldlicious, Pinkalicious and her brother Peter use their imaginations and poetic rhymes to turn everyday trash into glittery, beautiful bliss. My uncontrollable impulse kicked in and I immediately knew our family would be duplicating the poetic style to create our own poems! (Heads up- mom fail, I cut off a part of their words of the following pictures when I was cropping them)
Poem by our 5 Year Old

“Alligators, apples, and art
I love my singing part,
Make me such a cool heart!”
She drew a picture of herself in a pink dress of course – and with glasses. None of our kids wear glasses 🙂
Poem by our 8 Year Old

“Clocks, cans and a crown,
This is just a dirty town,
What I would love is a pretty gown!”
She decided to write cursive all on her own. Woohoo!
I was very proud of our girls who took the time to create and write their own poems. I even appreciated that their drawings depict their imaginative poems.
It was so fun to watch their little brains at work that daddy and I had to join in too with our own parental twist. We hope you enjoy!
Poem by Daddy

“Pens, Pencils, and a Paper Cutter.
Thinking about golf makes my heart flutter.
I would really love a brand new putter!!!”
Poem by Mommy

“Chaos, clutter and constant chores,
Sweeping, mopping and washing doors,
This mama would love some clean floors!”
It only took about an hour to complete all of our poems and drawing! It was a great family activity; we’re poets and didn’t even know it!
Writing your own Emeraldalicious poem is easier than you think!
How to Create Your Own Emeraldalicious Poem
1. Think about what you would LOVE to have (Line 3)
2. Brainstorm two words that rhyme with it (Line 2 & 3)
3. Add two items that begin with the same letter as one of the rhyming words (Line 1)
4. Use filler words for the rest.
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