“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.'” Billy Graham
Easter (or Resurrection Day) is only 5 days away! Chances are you (or someone you know), has already embellished their house with some kind of Easter decor. You may have already thought about color coordinated outfits for Sunday or scouted a place for your child to do some egg hunting. In the midst of all the planning, decorating, and egg dying, though, it’s important to stop and meditate on what makes Easter such an extravagant holiday.
Easter Sunday is the celebration of power over death. It is the essence of Christianity. Jesus’ painful death on the cross and His powerful resurrection from the grave is the fundamental point of the Christian faith. It is only through His victory over death (and sin) that we may call ourselves believers and Jesus followers. That is why our family observes Easter and puts much care and thought into how we decorate our home.
Easter is the message of hope. It is the message of love.
Since this season plays such an integral part of our life, my husband and I designed a few free printables that you can easily download and display in your home. Join us in daily remembrance of what He has done!
Here are the FREE Easter downloads to use in your home:
It Is Finished He Has Risen My Redeemer Lives
He Is Risen He Has Risen He Lives
These designs are formatted to fit a 8″x10″ picture frame. There is a faint line around the picture as a cutting guide when you print on standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper. Best if printed on card stock.
To download ,”It is Finished” John 19:30 (black and white) click here
To download, “He Has Risen” Mark 16:6 (black and white) click here
To download, “My Redeemer Lives” Job 19:25 (color) click here
To download, “He Is Risen” Mark 16:6 (color) click here
To download, “He Has Risen” Mark 16:6 (color) click here
To download, “He Lives” Luke 24:7 (color) click here
I hope these printables will encourage you to stop and think of Jesus, worship Him, and thank Him for the great love that He lavished on us by dying on the cross.
Happy Easter!
Joy in Snuggles
*These printables are copyrighted and improper use including duplicating and/or selling or any other form of personal gain is forbidden. Please make sure to read the “full disclosure” on my website. ©Anna Hale All Rights Reserved
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