Easter is one of the rare days of the year when I enjoy scrolling through my Facebook news feed. I get a little bit excited to see all the smiling, colorful family pictures with positive messages. I truly enjoying looking at the captured memories of pure happiness as everyone gathers with friends and family.
We enjoyed our family day too! Remembering Jesus’s death and resurrection is the reason we celebrate as I wrote about here. It was our first Easter in Oklahoma and I thought perhaps it would get a little lonely this year, but I thought wrong and we truly had a wonderful, relaxing, celebratory day! Here are a few unfiltered pictures of how we spent our day…
“I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies” John 11:25
Before Church
I knew we’d be taking pictures after church, but the kids had a full morning of fun activities planned in their classes and one of those was eating donuts. Which means you never know what the kiddos will look like after church! So we needed to take a quick pic before the festivities began.
Our little man woke up quite grouchy and so I am thankful his sisters were able to cheer him up for at least one smiling photo (I shamefully admit I had to bribe him as well).

It was a bit chilly in the morning and quite windy all day so that meant cardigans and crazy hair!
After Church:
After church all three musketeers were in much better spirits. Our morning church service ends pretty early so we didn’t need to rush home to feed them lunch.
Instead we went outside to enjoy the fresh air and take a few Easter pictures of the kids. I found a new favorite spot by our church and snapped a few candid shots. It’s always great to see their authentic side. They had a lot of fun being wild and free. You can see their little individual personalities shine.

I admit. I don’t have a fancy camera, I just use my phone, (yikes) but I am a mom on a mission to snap pictures of these darling kids during their playful times before they grow up and are “too old” or “too cool”.
These moments are beautiful and full of wonder. These moments are real, the smiles genuine, their playfulness raw, their dances hilarious.

We did end up asking someone to take an obligatory posed family pictures of us 🙂
Easter Egg Hunt
There are a few celebrations in the year where I can get a little homesick. Easter can be one them. Being miles away from family and moving miles away from our friends in Arizona, you can imagine my excitement to be invited over to a church family home for the afternoon. We very much enjoyed the company and the kids had a blast playing, running, egg hunting and jeep riding.
It was our son’s first official Easter egg hunt. At first he was a bit confused on what exactly everyone was collecting but once he caught on, he turned into a hunting wiz, with the most cheerful attitude.

He didn’t realize that there were actually goodies inside the eggs, so after all the eggs were found, he simply placed his basket down and got in the jeep.
I couldn’t blame him. It was a beautiful day to keep the party going!

The Fence:
The house we were at has absolutely the most beautiful natural landscape. Regardless which direction you look, you can see God’s glory evident in His creation.
God is a skilled painter. Creation is His canvas. Nature is His masterpiece.
The M family has cattle and the kids loved riding in the side-by-side to see the little calves up close last time we visited. This time we enjoyed watching from the fence.

I also wanted to show off one of their Easter gifts this year. The leggings the girls wore and all the white shirts were in their baskets this year. We designed the logo, “Has Has Risen” and our friend printed them for us. You can print the design for your personal use (only) here and definitely follow our friend and local designer DKal Desings on FB here.

It was hard to say goodbye!
We dropped daddy off at church so he could make sure everything was ready for the evening church service and went to get ice cream (which the kids gave up for Lent).
When we finally made it home, there was a little boy hanging out outside and asked if we could go with him to the playground. Of course we said YES! We quickly changed out from our Easter outfits and dashed outside until dark. It was a beautiful, refreshing, windy day.
At bedtime, we read the Easter story (again) and had a great conversation with the kids about the true meaning of Easter. We prayed and thanked God for His Son… and for the day we had.
It sure was light and joyous day. Perhaps it’s because, He is Risen indeed.
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